The goal of the Domestic Violence Awareness Program is to improve the safety of individuals and their children who may be experiencing domestic violence, as well as persons at risk of family violence. We aim to increase awareness of family violence and knowledge of related services through the facilitation of workshops and through one-to-one information sessions. These workshops are designed to bring about awareness of domestic violence on:
How to access services
How to develop an escape plan
How to navigate the Family and Criminal Court Systems
How to access services, supports and entitlements available
EHNBAC brings awareness to the community at large with a message of hope and prevention to anyone who might be a victim of domestic violence or know someone who may need help. Domestic violence awareness is conducted through grassroots outreach, workshops, marketing materials, and training to other organizations and groups. EHNBAC staff understands the many aspects of violence and is sensitive to the needs of all victims from all ages, races, genders, socio-economic classes, religious affiliations and environmental backgrounds.
Workshops and one-to-one services are provided on:
Identifying abuse and the effects of family violence on children and women
Safety planning
Promoting positive self-esteem
Information on available resources/support for victims
Information on how to secure an order of protection
Overview of the judicial system for those ready to pursue prosecution
Socially and culturally sensitive services are provided to all victims and available in English and Spanish. Participants are assisted to access community-based programs that may bring greater stability, such as job training, job placement, GED, ESOL, literacy, skill-building/life enhancement services, and credit counseling programs. HIV/AIDS support services will be provided to include condom distribution, information and referrals to testing, treatment, group and individual counseling, support groups, and workshops on HIV/AIDS prevention and permanency planning. At times, in-kind articles such as clothing, carriages, pampers, toys, and furniture are distributed when available.
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